
Receding gums
A situation in which the gums are depleted and the softer and more sensitive parts of the tooth root are visible, this is one of the cases that need to be treated by a doctor for children’s toothache.

Gum diseases
In medical terms, inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis. In this case, the gums become red and sensitive. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth, the gums may even bleed. This condition can be very painful, but it is gradually resolved by cleaning the teeth and flossing regularly.

Periapical abscess or dental abscess
If the pain is severe or has a pulse, the decay has definitely turned into a tooth abscess (periapical abscess). This means that a pus pocket has formed in the root of the tooth

In this case, gently hitting the tooth will increase the pain. If the abscess is not treated, it eats the jaw bone. In addition, there is a bulge under the gum line. In this situation, the patient should go to the dentist for nerve extraction.

Food stuck causes toothache
Sometimes pieces of hard food get stuck between two teeth. The pain caused by long-term food stuck between the teeth gradually increases. The pressure that comes to the teeth due to the presence of food pushes them to the sides and causes toothache, in the roots as well as the gum line. Pulling the thread in the right way makes the food come out and stops the pain.

There are several other conditions that can cause toothache-like pain without affecting the pulp. These complications include:

tooth abscess
Gum ulcers
Swelling or sore gums around the erupting tooth. Like when a wisdom tooth erupts
Sinusitis. which sometimes causes pain around the upper jaw.
Damage to the joint that connects the jaw to the skull (temporomandibular joint)

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