
The importance of visiting a pediatric dentist

The importance of visiting a pediatric dentist

Your baby’s baby teeth are important and the developmental stages necessary for the health of your baby’s permanent teeth depend on them. A pediatric dentist can help parents to take care of their children’s oral health and provide them with the necessary guidance. A pediatric dentist has special skills in the field of oral and dental health and hygiene of children, from childhood to adolescence. He has experience and specialized skills to protect and maintain the teeth, gums and mouth of children of all ages.

According to the report of the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it can be said that approximately 19% of children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19 have oral and dental diseases that have not been treated. This shows why pediatric dentistry is so important. Here are some reasons why pediatric dentistry is important. Many research institutes, including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), recommend that a child be examined by a pediatric dentist six months after the first teeth erupt or before the completion of the one-year period.

The importance of periodic examinations by a pediatric dentist
In children, the growth of teeth usually starts at the age of 6 months. At 6 to 7 years old, baby teeth gradually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. Without taking proper care of the mouth and teeth, the child’s teeth may suffer from severe decay or oral diseases and complications that cause pain and various other diseases.

Protecting and maintaining baby teeth is as important as permanent teeth. The presence of a disease that causes pain and infection in baby teeth has a direct impact on the health and hygiene of the child and can cause pain and discomfort for your beloved child. In addition, the child may refuse to eat food due to toothache, or he may indigestion his food, which in turn causes his stomach to not fully absorb food in addition to causing abdominal pain. This affects the child’s growth and gradually weakens his physical strength.

Children do not behave like adults. During the examination by the dentist, it is possible that they are impatient or unable to fully cooperate with the dentist. A pediatric dentist knows very well how to perform examinations and how to treat the child so that he is calm during the examination period. In addition, these specialists use special equipment and special facilities in the office that are designed and made especially for children.

A pediatric dentist provides special services for children and their parents, so you can never solve your child’s dental problems alone without regular appointments with a pediatric dentist.

Make an appointment for your beloved child with our dentists
Phone: 212.759.7979 Pediatrics: 212.759.3666 120 East 62nd St. suite 1D (between Park and Lexington) New York, NY 10065

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